
Types of Electrocardiograms (ECG or EKG)

Today, there are various types of ECGs that doctors can order to
provide clear information about a patient’s cardiovascular wellness.




中央社:甫獲高通邀請加入QAN (Qualcomm Advantage Network)的宇心生醫(QT Medical),近日在美國市場再傳捷報,該公司順利拿下美國加州政府的大型標案,今年起,將為全加州37所監獄的10萬名受刑人提供遠距心電圖醫療服務,每年將提供超過6萬人次的12導程心電圖檢查,以及1萬人次的心臟專科醫師遠距診斷服務。


QT Medical 針對美國養老長照機構(SNFs)與遠距醫療服務,正式推出限時專案,一個12導程的專業醫療心電圖檢查服務,僅需美金30元。服務內容包含整套PCA500 12導心電圖系統 (含12導心電圖機的使用,拋棄式專利電極貼片、QT ECG APP 與HIPAA 規範的雲端報告系統)

CES 2022 實體展圓滿落幕 !

CES 2022 實體展圓滿落幕 !

Improving Heart Health Right at Home

The facts are grim: One person dies from cardiovascular disease every 37 seconds in the United States. One of the most effective tests for the heart is the twelve-lead electrocardiogram (ECG).

At-Home Clinical ECG: Now and After The Pandemic – Interview with Dr. Ruey-Kang Chang, CEO, QT Medical

Many fields of medicine are undergoing a transformation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as patients are kept away from clinics as much as possible.

QT Medical Unveils the Personal Cardiac Assistant 500

Las Vegas-- 01/11/2019 -- QT Medical announces the launch of its Personal Cardiac Assistant (PCA 500) at the world’s largest technology showcase, CES. PCA 500 is the only FDA-cleared, hospital quality 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) for personal use. QT Medical’s CEO Dr. Ruey-Kang Chang and his team exhibited the PCA 500 at the startup zone in Eureka Park.

